“Where are the Toxic Families in Children’s Books?”

I came across this article yesterday and was so excited. Christina Wynam, an author and teacher of children’s literature, is discussing “how for children who suffer difficult family dynamics, seeing their experiences reflected in books is few and far between”.

Where Are the Toxic Families in Children’s Books

I recommend that everyone read this article (I added the link above) because our whole world view has warped as we navigate this tumultuous and ever-changing new normal of uncertainly and fear. And while quarantine is proving to be a blessing for some, I fear the opposite is more accurate, because we all know how our emotions and feelings and actions have taken on lives of their own during this time when we are the most vulnerable. Children most certainly have been affected by it all, especially if there was dysfunction/abuse/difficulty before Covid, just imagine how the Coronavirus has intensified this ugliness and allowed it to breed.

So truly, I do hope that The Tale of Meadow Grove can be one of these books.



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